Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No Win No Fee Lawyers For You And Me!

Hello again bloggers,
The following true story should make you think, the purpose of which, is to educate the audience, hoping that someone will use this to guide someone in need of it.

The subject is “no win no fee” and I know it’s hard to believe, but there’s a 40% possibility that you will be in the instance of needing to use it, or miss out on it! For years many people must have heard it through their television set but due to the repetitiveness of the word in nearly every advert regarding the word “no win no fee” I am very sure it’s lost all its meaning to the Television viewers .

The story I would like to share is of a friend of mine, who tripped at work at no fault of his own, and was suing his workplace. He had his own lawyer whom he decided to use, but to no avail as he lost the case and had to eventually pay the lawyers fee which summed up to a rough figure of €2,000. There’s no doubt that the case’s downfall was down to some bad representation along with hard luck, the lawyer must have had an off day. Even though this won’t save you a penny when your bill arrives, as you get billed for the effort and not the result.

However the disaster wasn’t limited by how he lost the case, it was because he had to pay the lawyer! now you’re wondering “ excuse me, you’re supposed to pay lawyers, they don’t work for free” Well you must understand, two decades ago things were different. Governments have changed as well as the policies, however it doesn’t mean solicitors have dropped their standards and work for free, merely pointing out that due to the new legislation lawyers can work for free and make lots of money from it.

how can this be? With relative ease, they call it the “no win no fee” term, and here’s what makes it tick. There is no upfront fee or any fee what so ever taken by lawyers from the clients. This works because they solicitors bill the insurance of the company getting sued, and they charge more than enough to be happy with the overall amount they receive.

Never forget that no win no fee can one day save you lots of money and earn you lots of cash!
I hope you enjoyed my friends story! My next beer will be online tomorrow! :)


  1. No Win NO Fee can be great, as long as you can get someone to take your case.

  2. Just reading about stuff like that makes my eyes crossed! I'm so not lawyer-material :x

  3. I think it's surprising if you get anything free in today's world. Waiting for that beer. :p

  4. Is it bad I only noticed the background and the story was just an afterthought? :S

  5. a pretty well written post... And I loled at john xD

  6. following.
    i want to be a lawyer one day. i think deep down ive resolved to the fact im a conniving shark.
    but i digress..wheres the beer at???

  7. Great post! Was a really good read! thanks for sharing!

  8. nice one looking forward to another beer +followed :3

  9. Just reading about stuff like that makes my eyes crossed! I'm so not lawyer-material :x

  10. is this available in all countries?

  11. Luckily I've never had to enlist the services of a lawyer before, but I do have family that work with them regularly. This was a informative story that I'll remember in case I ever need to use one. Thanks!

  12. im a fan of this keep the lawyers working for their money

  13. I always argue in course pro se.
